Blogging is not my thing!

Here is a little piece of what life is like for us. I can't promise that I'll keep it updated, but I'll try to let you in on some of the goings on!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I like reality t.v.!

O.k., so I know its weird, but I do really like reality t.v. It's not so much the actual shows....its more the social interactions between people that intrigues me. I'm amazed by people. I could sit in a crowded room and just watch for hours. Just watch how people are....and how they act. Why are they like that? What made them make that decision? I'll never figure people out......oh well.

1 comment:

  1. I love going to the mall and watching people as well.. When ever Logan and I go anywhere I am always watching people and trying to talk to Logan about them but he is oblivious.
