Blogging is not my thing!

Here is a little piece of what life is like for us. I can't promise that I'll keep it updated, but I'll try to let you in on some of the goings on!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gotta love my Baylee!!
So I went to Vegas for a work conference and I have to say.....I don't like Vegas at all! It's so dirty! I felt like I was way over dressed everywhere I went....not dressed like a hooker! I just don't get it. How do people live like that?? Oh, and if you ask me a question and I don't know the answer, I'm probably brain-damaged from inhaling so much smoke!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gettin' old!

Oh man! I am turning 28 today. Talk about a geezer! It's so weird that I'm this old! It seems like just yesterday I graduated but we're having our ten year reunion this year. Next thing you know I'll be 80 and passin' gas and not knowing it!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cute kid!

I have an adorable kid! I love her so much! Right now she's dancin' her own music. And laughing the kind of giggle that makes me smile. How did I ever live without her??

Thursday, February 4, 2010


For those of you who don't know, I'm a veterinary technician. I have a love for animals. I get so angry when people don't take care of the animals they have. They have feelings, whether literally or figuratively, and you should not get one if you can't afford to take care of them! Don't bring them into me sick and say you have no money to take care of them. And then there's the people who take care fo their animals really well, and they themselves have teeth rotting out of their own head. Hello?? Don't you see a problem here? You don't deserve to have an animal either.
One other pet peeve I have (no pun intended) is when people don't trim their pet's nails when you can clearly see the toe bones are becoming deformed and it has got to be uncomfortable for them. I should teach everyone who comes in a lesson on nail trimming....It's not rocket science people!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I like reality t.v.!

O.k., so I know its weird, but I do really like reality t.v. It's not so much the actual shows....its more the social interactions between people that intrigues me. I'm amazed by people. I could sit in a crowded room and just watch for hours. Just watch how people are....and how they act. Why are they like that? What made them make that decision? I'll never figure people out......oh well.